- 1Click the "File" menu's "Open" command, and then navigate to a picture whose subject you'd like to turn into a metal object with Paint Shop Pro. The program will load the picture for you to apply the effect to.
- 2Click the "Image" menu, and then click the "Grayscale" command to make Paint Shop Pro discard the picture's color information. The result is a black and white image that more closely resembles something metallic.
- 3Click the "Layers" menu, and then click the "New adjustment layer" sub-menu. Click the "Curves" item to display a dialog box whose controls let you interactively change the values of the loaded picture. Specifically, the dialog's curve specifies the output value of each input value in your picture. "Value" refers to how light or dark a pixel is. The horizontal coordinate of each point on the curve is the input value, and vertical coordinate is the output value.
- 4Click the red diagonal line at the bottom of the dialog box, then drag the line upward until a peak forms in the red line. Click another point slightly to the right of the peak, then drag downward to form a valley.
- 5Create several more peaks and valleys with the red line. Each additional peak you make above the original curve indicates you want to make a value much higher than it originally was. Each valley tells Paint Shop Pro you want to make a value much darker. The result of multiple peaks and valleys is what appears to be extra highlights and shadows in your picture. This abundance of highlights and shadows is a key characteristic of highly reflective surfaces, such as those of metallic objects.
- 6Click "OK" to close the "Curves" dialog box. The picture you loaded now appears as a metallic object.
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