With Octave, you can create EPS -- Encapsulated Postscript -- files from
your graphs and charts. After creating your files, you need to know how
to view them. You can open the EPS files from your menu system by
opening a graphics viewer. However, for faster viewing, you can use the
Octave command-line interface to open the file from the terminal.
Open a terminal session, type "Octave" and press "Enter." Your command-line input prompt will switch to Octave.
Type "image-editor filename" and
press "Enter." "Image-editor" is the name of the package you use to
edit or view EPS files. Replace "filename" with the name of the EPS
file, including the .eps file extension. For example, type "shotwell
test" to open the "test" EPS file in the Linux app Shotwell.
Close the image editor when you are done to go back to the Octave command line.