In the anime series, "Dragonball Z," the Super Saiyan is a Saiyan that has become so powerful that a physical transformation takes place, altering his appearance. The Saiyan's hair becomes spiky and yellow. His eyes become green, and a glow appears around his body. While you can't achieve the Super Saiyan transformation in real life, you can alter a photo of yourself using Photoshop, giving yourself the appearance of having achieved the Super Saiyan state.
- 1Open Photoshop.
- 2Press "Ctrl" and "O" to reveal the "Open" window, then select the image to which you want to apply the Super Saiyan effects. Click "Open."
- 3Select the "Smudge" tool from the toolbar and use it to spike the ends of the photographed individual's hair. Increase the tool's pressure using the drop-down pressure menu located on the top of the screen; increasing the pressure increases the size of the smudge, while decreasing it has the opposite effect.
- 4Select the "Dodge" tool from the toolbar. Select "Highlights" from the "Mode" menu on the top of the screen. Paint over the photographed individual's hair to bring out its highlights and make it appear lighter. Click the "New Layer" button on the "Layers" box to create a new layer. Select "Yellow" in the "Color Palette," then paint the hair yellow with the "Paintbrush" tool. Click the drop-down menu on the "Layers" box and choose "Overlay." The hair will now appear yellowish like a Super Saiyan.
- 5Click the "New Layer" button on the "Layers" box to create a new layer.
- 6Select the "Color Palette" on the toolbar and choose a yellow or gold color, depending on your preference.
- 7Select the "Pen" tool and use it to draw a path around the photographed individual's body. Right-click on the canvas and choose "Stroke Path." Set the pixel amount to "10," then click "OK." A yellow line appears where the path is located. Right-click on the canvas again and choose "Delete Path" to delete the remaining path.
- 8Click "Filters," then "Blur." Select "Gaussian Blur." Increase the slider until the yellow line in the preview window is blurred and looks like a faint glow. Click "Apply." The line on the canvas will be blurred.
- 9Right-click on the layer with the yellow outline and choose "Merge Down" to blend it with the main photograph.
- 10Click the "New Layer" button. Choose "Green" on the "Color Palette." Select the "Paintbrush" tool. Paint over the photographed individual's eyes. Click the "Mode" drop-down box on the "Layers" box and choose "Overlay." The photographed individual's eyes now have a greenish tint like a Super Saiyan.
- 11Press "Ctrl" and "S" to save the changes.
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I did this for a class with a picture of my baby sister. Thank you.