Jan 18, 2012

What Are VTS & VOB Files?

What Are VTS & VOB Files?thumbnail
VTS is an acronym for VIDEO_TS folder. All DVDs are published with a VIDEO_TS folder that contains information about the disc’s contents and performance. While the data in these files is intended to be read by a DVD player, users can access these items by loading the disc into their computers and exploring its drive directory.

  1. VIDEO_TS Contents

    • VIDEO_TS folders generally store VOB, IFO and BUP files. While VOB files contain audio and video tracks, IFO files contain information about menus and chapters. BUP files serve as a backup for IFO files when they cannot be read.

    VOB File Format

    • VOB files are basically digital videos since they are published with MPEG-2 compression, a standard encoding algorithm in DVD production. As a result, VOB files can be loaded and streamed in media players like Windows Media Player, VLC, Media Player Classic and GOM Player. VOB files can also be encoded with subtitle tracks that display in sync with the media.


    • While VOB files are common, other formats may be used to store audio and video tracks on a DVD. TS is another format that can be found in VIDEO_TS folders. But while it is also published with MPEG-2 compression, the TS format is not commonly supported amongst media players like the VOB format. VLC is the only application that is equipped to load TS files. And the audio and video data on Blu-ray discs are usually encoded in the M2TS format. Like VOB and TS files, M2TS files are published with MPEG-2 compression however they can support higher definition footage in resolutions of 720p and 1080i.


    • Most commercial DVDs are manufactured with copy protection. While the VIDEO_TS folders on these discs may be viewable, their contents cannot be browsed or modified. Copy protection is a form of digital encryption that prevents unlawful duplication and distribution. As a result, a VOB, TS or M2TS file cannot be transferred to another location or loaded in a media player if it happens to be formatted on a copy-protected disc. The media in these files can only be read by a DVD player.

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