Oct 14, 2012

How to Set Goals With Software

Setting goals can be an important part of making changes in your life. If you are trying to lose weight, make more money or accomplish any number of other achievements, setting and keeping goals will help you get there. Using software to help you set goals and track your progress can be a motivator that keeps you going, and you can use a variety of simple software tools, both online and offline, to help you.


  1. Offline Method

    • 1
      Open a new text document in a program such as Notepad or Wordpad by clicking its icon in the Start menu in the "Programs" section.
    • 2
      Type a large heading for your goal such as "Lose 20 Pounds by September" or "Make $500 Extra Income This Month."
    • 3
      Break your large goal down into smaller achievable tasks and create a new line for each task. Also create a target date for when each task should be achieved.
    • 4
      Save the document in a prominent place such as your desktop and open it periodically to update your progress. As you achieve each task. mark that line with an "X" or other symbol.

    Online Method

    • 5
      Visit one of the goal-setting websites in the Resources section and create a new account.
    • 6
      Read the site's goal suggestions or create your own goal and enter it into the system.
    • 7
      Enter the smaller goals that will help you to achieve your larger goal and return to the site often to track your progress.
    • 8
      Visit the discussion forums and motivation sections of the site to read other users' stories for inspiration or to ask for advice from others.

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