Jan 31, 2012

How to Create Share Button With SiteBuilder

The Facebook “Share” button is referred to as the “Like” button as of 2011. Although the button has a different name, the functionality remains the same. By adding a button to your website, you allow other Facebook friends to like your page and also share the page with other friends. There are many different SiteBuilder programs available to build your website. To add a Facebook button, your SiteBuilder must allow the integration of HTML code.


    • 1
      Navigate to developers.facebook.com and type "Like Button" in the search box. Click the "Social Plugins" link that comes up. Complete the designated form fields. In the URL to Like field, enter the website address you want the button connected to.
    • 2
      Click “Get Code” to generate the HTML code for your button. Highlight the code. Right-click the code and click “Copy.”
    • 3
      Log in to your SiteBuilder Control Panel.
    • 4
      Click “File Directory” or “File Manager” to access your site pages files.
    • 5
      Click “Edit” for the page you want to add the share button to. This opens the page's HTML editor.
    • 6
      Right-click inside the HTML editor window. Click “Paste” to paste the button code.
    • 7
      Click “Save” to save the changes to your page. Depending upon your SiteBuilder program, you must also click “Publish” to publish your changes.

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