Jan 26, 2012

How to Format Autodesk FBK

When analyzing geographical survey data in AutoCAD Survey, a program from Autodesk, Inc., you might sometimes want to export a field book file, or FBK, to exploit the data in another application. A field book file is a text file format that contains a list of the various points and figures contained in a survey file. You can export survey data from AutoCAD Survey to the field book file format by using a specific export tool.


    • 1
      Launch the AutoCAD Survey module by clicking on the module's shortcut in your Start menu.
    • 2
      Click on "File" and select "Open." Locate the file that contains the survey data you wish to export from AutoCAD Survey.
    • 3
      Open the "Survey" tab in the Toolspace area of your screen.
    • 4
      Right-click on the network collection that you wish to export as a field book file. Alternatively, you can select to export either a group of figures or a single figure by right-clicking on them. Select "Export field book" from the contextual menu.
    • 5
      Name your file and click on the "Save" button.

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