Patterns offer interesting alternatives to solid-color backgrounds in image composites and other forms of digital artwork. When you install Adobe Photoshop, the program includes a set of pattern libraries you can use when you're building Layer Styles or using the Pattern Stamp, Paint Bucket, Healing Brush and Patch tools. If the preset libraries don't contain the texture you want, you can create your own pattern presets directly in Photoshop. Building a strong diagonal texture requires one additional step before you save your pattern.
- 1Open the "Window" menu and choose "Layers" to bring up the Layers panel if it isn't already open. Click on the "Create a New Layer" button at the bottom of the panel to add the working layer on which you'll create your pattern.
- 2Use Adobe Photoshop's painting and drawing tools to create your pattern texture along a horizontal or vertical axis. Hold down the "Shift" key while you paint to create straight strokes.
- 3Open the "Edit" menu and choose "Free Transform." Enter your desired degree of pattern rotation in the Options Bar's "Rotate" field. Click on the "Commit Transform" button in the Options Bar to complete the procedure.
- 4Switch to the Rectangular Marquee tool. Click and drag around your artwork to select the area that will become your pattern.
- 5Open the "Edit" menu and choose "Define Pattern." Type a distinctive name in the "Pattern Name" dialogue box. Click on the "OK" button to create your pattern.
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