Visual Basic 6 includes a data grid object you use to populate data in a desktop form that is a part of your customized software. You can also link a text box to a data set. A data set is an object in the VB6 language that contains a list of rows that display information to your software users.
Database Connection
- Before you can populate any data grid, you must connect to a database. You can connect to a simple Access file or an enterprise database such as Oracle, MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server. To create a new data source, right-click the project and select "New Data Source." Select the type of database driver to use and type the address for the database. Type your username and password. After the connection is made, you can use the data to populate text boxes.
Using Properties to Populate Data
- Click the text box in which you want to display data. In the right column is a properties panel that defines the way the text box interacts with the software user. In the "Data" section of the properties, choose the data source name you created earlier and the field you want to use. For instance, if the data source name is "Contacts," choose "Contacts" from the list of data sources, and select "Name" for the "Name" text box. When the VB6 software runs, the names automatically populate in the text box.
Go To Next Record
- After you populate the text boxes on your VB6 form, you create buttons that let you scroll through each record. When the software user clicks "Next" or "Back," the record set moves according to the button the software user clicked. Drag and drop a command button from the toolbox to the form. In the properties for the button, choose the data source name you created earlier, and choose "MoveNext" for the command. Repeat this step and choose "MovePrevious" to create a way for the software user to go to the previous record.
- Populating text boxes only requires a link to a data source, but you must set the text box as "Read Only" if you don't want to allow the software user to change the data. To block any database edits, choose "Read Only" in the properties panel after you click the text box.