Photographers and designers print contact sheet proofs to provide an at-a-glance view of some or all of the images for a specific project, such as an online portfolio, website photo gallery or an offline publication. Use iPhoto's contact sheet setting to print a proof sheet of photos from the program’s Print options dialog box.
- 1Launch iPhoto and click “Library” in the main menu to access your photo library.
- 2Scroll through the images in the library. Click the image thumbnail for each image you want to print on a contact sheet proof. IPhoto displays selected images with a yellow border.
- 3Click “File” in the main menu. Select “Print” in the context menu to open the Print options dialog box.
- 4Click the “Contact Sheet” button in the left-hand Themes pane. Click the “Customize” button below the main pane in the center of the program window.
- 5Drag the column slider at the bottom of the window to increase or decrease the number of columns in the contact sheet. Increasing the number of columns allows you to fit more images onto the sheet, but also reduces the size of each image thumbnail.
- 6Click the “Background” button. Select your preferred background theme -- the image or color that appears behind the photo thumbnails on the contact sheet -- from the drop-down list of options.
- 7Click the “Printer” button and select the printer you want to use from the drop-down list. Select the paper size and print size from the respective drop-down menus.
- 8Click the “Print” button at the bottom of the window to print the contact sheet proof.
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