Google SketchUp Pro contains a LayOut tool that you can use to create presentations. You can use the LayOut tool to create presentations containing multiple pages. In addition to embedding 3D Google SketchUp models on a page, each page can also contain lines, shapes and text. After designing a presentation, you can use the built-in presentation mode to give a presentation in full-screen. You can make annotations and show off 3-D models and animations while giving a presentation.
- 1Open the Google SketchUp LayOut tool by clicking “Start,” clicking “All Programs,” selecting the “Google SketchUp” folder and clicking “LayOut.” The LayOut application only comes with the professional version of Google SketchUp; you can download a free trial from the Google SketchUp website if you don’t have it.
- 2Select a template to start with from the Getting Started window that appears and click “Open.”
- 3Use the Tools menu or the toolbar at the top of the LayOut window to add lines, shapes and text to the current page of the presentation. You can also use the Erase tool to erase lines, shapes and text that you’ve added.
- 4Click the “File” menu, select “Insert” and browse for a SketchUp model file to insert it into your presentation.
- 5Add additional pages to your presentation by clicking the “Pages” menu and selecting “Add.” The new page appears in the Pages pane at the right side of the window; you can click pages to switch between them.
- 6Rename pages by right-clicking them in the Pages pane and selecting “Rename.” You can also rearrange the pages in your presentation by dragging and dropping them in the list.
- 7Toggle the pages that appear in the presentation by clicking the “Include in Presentation” icons to the right of the pages in the Pages pane. A grayed-out icon appears if the page is omitted from the presentation.
- 8Start the presentation by clicking the “View” menu and selecting “Start Presentation.”
- 9Use the left and right arrow keys or left and right mouse buttons to move between pages in the presentation. You can also click and drag with the mouse cursor to draw over the presentation. If the presentation contains SketchUp models, you can double-click them to change their view and right-click the model and select “View Animation” to view the model’s animation. Press “Esc” to exit the presentation.
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