Jan 18, 2012

What Is the File Extension GLX?

GLX is an extension for files placed on your computer by the Xplorer GLX. The Xplorer is a data gathering device created by PASCO for science classes and research. Files downloaded to your computer assume the GLX extension. GLX files contain a wide variety of data, depending on the experiments you use the Xplorer for.

  1. Xplorer

    • The Xplorer GLX is a hand unit that uses a variety of sensors to determine the results of classroom experiments in physics, biology, meteorology and chemistry. The sensor attachments include a temperature probe; a pH sensor for detecting acidity; a pressure gauge; a weather sensor; and a motion sensor. The Xplorer collects the data, graphs it and records the results. To open the files on your computer, you need PASCO's DataStudio software. PASCO provides an installation disk for DataStudio along with the Xplorer.


    • DataStudio software is a program for data acquisition, display and analysis that works with PASCO interfaces and sensors. When hooked up directly to sensors, DataStudio generates instant values for readings while experiments are running. If you download data into it, the program compiles the information into graphs, tables or meters to make it comprehensible. DataStudio also uses measurements obtained through the Xplorer and other sensors to calculate quantities that can't be measured directly, such as kinetic energy.

    GLX Files

    • When you connect the Xplorer with a DataStudio-equipped computer, DataStudio checks for new GLX files and opens GLX File Manager automatically if it detects them The File Manager shows you the new files saved in the Xplorer. Click to highlight the files you want and hit "Download" to transfer them to your computer. Once the GLX files are on your system, you can open them with DataStudio or upload them from your computer to another GLX unit.


    • GLX files have the same name on your computer that you gave them in the Xplorer unit. To open them, open DataStudio, then click "Open" in the file menu and indicate the file you want. DataStudio translates the GLX file into a DataStudio file: DataStudio and GLX are different file formats and GLX systems cannot open DataStudio files. Once you open the file in DataStudio, it takes the .ds extension.

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