Jan 18, 2012

What Is an IVR File?

What Is an IVR File?thumbnail
A file's extension is the series of letters that follows the period in the file's name. For example, the file TestDocument.doc has the extension DOC. The extension tells your computer which program to use to open a file. A DOC extension is understood by the computer as a Microsoft Word document; thus, Word is automatically loaded to open the file. The IVR file extension tells your operating system that the file is an Internet video recording made with RealPlayer.

  1. RealPlayer

    • RealPlayer is a RealNetworks, Inc., free video player available at REAL.com. RealPlayer gives you the ability to download videos, convert videos to other formats, organize music and videos on your hard drive and play music and video in a variety of formats.

    Internet Video Recordings

    • Internet video recorders allow you to record streaming video as you watch it online. When you do so, RealPlayer saves the video file with the extension IVR, which only RealPlayer can open.

    Converting IVR Files

    • If you want to view an IVR file using a program other than RealPlayer, you must convert the IVR file to another format. Choose among many free conversion programs, such as IVR Converter, Freez FLV to MP3 Converter or AVS Video Converter 8.1, all of which are available online for free download. Some conversions may result in loss of audio or visual quality; so if one converter does not work well for you, try another.

    Troubleshooting IVR Files

    • If an IVR file will not open or run using RealPlayer, check for errors in your registry that cause inaccurate file association errors. For example, your computer may not recognize IVR files as those that need to be opened by RealPlayer. Choose a reputable registry cleaner like Wise Registry Cleaner Free, which is recommended by CNET editors and users.

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