Jan 18, 2012

What Is a PH File?

What Is a PH File?thumbnail
A PH file is a computer file with the PH file extension. Seven different types of files use the same PH file extension, and they are produced and used by different applications. A PH file created in one of the seven applications cannot be used by any of the others.

  1. Program Libraries

    • Three of the files using the PH file extension are library files for different programming languages. It is possible to write sections of code, called functions, and store them in standalone files. This files cannot be run as programs, but they can be called by other programs written in the same language. These files are called library files, header files or include files. Perl is a programming language that is frequently used for generating Web pages. Perl header files are stored with the the PH file extension. Profan is another programming language and its header files also have the PH file extension. GeoWorks produces applications for PDAs and smartphones. Its include files have the GOH file extension. However, optimized GOH files has the PH file extension.

    Microsoft Windows Help

    • A phrase table used by Microsoft Windows Help is stored in a file with the PH file extension. This is a document file type. The PH file is not part of the user-accessible program, but it is used by the compiler that assembles the program files.

    AOL Settings

    • AOL includes a file called IPH.PH in the bundle of programs resident on clients' computers. This file is responsible for contacting the AOL server to check for updates. The IPH.PH file was part of the AOL client software versions six through nine.


    • The MRS-802 by Zoom Corp. is a multi-track recording console, which includes both hardware and software. One of the files on the MRS-USR partition of the device's hard drive is called PHRASExx.PH and is found in the PROJxxx folder. The file contains a recording of the left speaker audio track.

    PHYLIP Format

    • Phylogeny is the study of tracing evolution. One species evolves into another, and the relationship between different animals and plants can be depicted as a family tree. The PHYLIP Format was developed at the University of Washington's Department of Genome Science. It enables technicians to map the genetic relationship between species. Files in this format carry the PH file extension. PHYLIP stands for PHYLogeny Inference Package.

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