The Batch command in Adobe Photoshop allows you to apply a specified action to multiple files at one time. This command is a time-saving option that adds photo frames from the Actions menu to a folder of photos on your computer or to photos imported directly from your digital camera or scanner. Instead of opening and adding frames to photos individually, use the Batch command to automate the process.
- 1Launch Adobe Photoshop on your computer.
- 2Click the "File" menu at the top of Photoshop, then click "Automate" on the drop-down menu.
- 3Click the "Batch" option on the Automate panel menu and wait for the Batch pop-up menu to load.
- 4Select "Frames" from the Set drop-down box under the Play menu. Select the photo frame you want to add to the batch of photos from the Action drop-down box under the Play menu.
- 5Choose the batch of photos that you want to add frames. To add frames to a batch of photos saved to your computer, select "Folder" from the drop-down box under the Source menu, then click the "Choose" button to navigate to the folder of photos on your computer. Add frames to photos directly from a scanner, digital camera or PDF by selecting "Import" from the drop-down box under the Source menu. Selecting "Opened Files" from the drop-down menu under the Source menu adds frames to photos already opened in Adobe Photoshop, while selecting "Bridge" adds frames to photos in Adobe Bridge.
- 6Click the drop-down box under the Destination menu to choose where you want to save the photos after the frames have been added.
- 7Click the drop-down box under the File Naming menu to select a sequence for renaming your files, if desired. For instance, selecting "3 Digit Serial number + Document Name" from the drop-down menu gives you a file name such as Vacation 001, Vacation 002 and so on.
- 8Click the "OK" button and wait for Adobe Photoshop to automatically add the frames to the photos and save them to the destination folder.
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