Jan 18, 2012

How to File for an Extension for Eviction in Illinois


How to File for an Extension for Eviction in Illinoisthumbnail
An eviction extension will prolong the eviction process.
Tenant and eviction laws differ from state to state. In Illinois, whether you are the tenant or the landlord, familiarizing yourself with eviction laws is beneficial for knowing your rights under a lease agreement. Landlords who evict their tenants must provide a notice period in the eviction notice that gives the tenant a deadline for moving out. Tenants that reside in Illinois, however, can file for an extension on the eviction notice period so that they may have more time in the rental property.


    • 1
      Review the Illinois state qualifying events for extending evictions. In Illinois, some qualifying events include if the tenant was hospitalized recently, had a death in the family or if he was part of an emergency of some kind. Such qualifying events may work in the favor of the tenant, allowing him to make his case for why he should be granted an eviction extension.
    • 2
      Read the eviction date on the official notice given to you by the landlord. It is common in Illinois for eviction notices to give tenants 10 to 14 days to evict the property. Determine how much of an extension you will need before you can vacate so that you can provide the courts with a preferred extension date.
    • 3
      Complete the appropriate legal forms for asking for an extension for the eviction. The forms are available at your county clerk's office. You will need to fill out the Notice of Motion and Motion to Extend Time to Move Out forms. The forms will ask you questions about your reason for requesting the extension, so fill this part of the paperwork out completely and thoroughly.
    • 4
      Deliver the forms to the clerk's office at your county court. The paperwork is processed and then reviewed by a judge. The judge will take your argument into account and review your reasons for wanting the extension. The judge will also review the landlord's reasons for wanting to evict you, to make a final judgment on the case. You may be required to appear in court with the landlord before the judge.

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