The Corkscrew secure shell client runs on Windows computers with the Cygwin Linux-like command-line interface for Windows. To use Corkscrew, you must compile and install it from the source code. As part of the process, you configure Corkscrew. However, Cygwin does not install by default the necessary packages to configure source code, so you must install them first.
- 1Close Cygwin if you have it open. Double-click Cygwin's "setup.exe" file. Click "Next" until the Select Packages dialog box opens. Click "Default" next to "Devel." Click "Next" to install the necessary packages to build programs from source code.
- 2Open Cygwin and navigate to the directory to which you extracted the Corkscrew source code. If you haven't previously extracted the code, to do so type "tar -xzvf corkscrew.tar.gz" and press "Enter."
- 3Type "./configure" and press "Enter." With the proper tools now installed, Cygwin will automatically configure Corkscrew.
- 4Type "make" and press "Enter" to build the program.
- 5Type "make install" and press "Enter" to install Corkscrew.
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