WebLogic Server is an e-commerce transaction platform used to create secure enterprise applications. WebLogic Server's functions and services are managed by accessing the Administration Console, and the Administration Console is accessed through a Web browser. By default, every Administration Console looks the same, making it difficult for people who manage multiple instances of WebLogic Server to differentiate between each instance. Customize the console's style by modifying the files that make up its Look and Feel and deploying the modified files as an extension of the console.
Copy the Sample Look and Feel
- 1Open the directory, also called a folder, where WebLogic Server is installed.
- 2Copy all of the files in "/samples/medrec/console-extension" and then paste them in another directory, such as the directory where you save your development files.
- 3Open the directory containing the pasted files, and then navigate to "/framework/skins." Rename the "xray" directory to any name you desire.
- 4Open the directory containing the pasted files, and then navigate to "/framework/skeletons." Rename the "xray" directory with the name you previously used.
Modify the Sample Look and Feel
- 5Create an image containing your logo in an image-editing program. Name the image "banner_logo," and then save it as a GIF file.
- 6Open the directory containing the pasted files, and then navigate to "/framework/skins/renamed_xray/images/," where "renamed_xray" is replaced with the name you used to rename the "xray" directory.
- 7Replace "banner_logo.gif" with the image you created.
- 8Open "banner_bg.gif" in an image-editing program, if you want to change the background behind the logo in the Administration Console. This file is located in the "Images" directory where "banner_logo.gif" is located.
- 9Edit "banner_bg.gif" by changing its color or adding images.
- 10Save the edited file in the same location as the original "banner_bg.gif" file using the same name as the original file. This replaces the original file with the edited file.
- 11Open the directory containing the pasted files, and then navigate to "/framework/skins/renamed_xray/images/," where "renamed_xray" is replaced with the name you used to rename the "xray" directory.
- 12Open the "CSS" directory.
- 13Open any of the CSS files in a CSS editor or text editor to modify the code and change the fonts and colors used in the Administration Console. Oracle provides an up-to-date list of definitions for each CSS file.
- 14Replace the original CSS files with the edited files.
Replace the Original Look and Feel With the Edited One
- 15Open the "WEB-INF" directory.
- 16Open "netuix-extension.xml" in a text editor or validating XML editor.
- 17Modify the information in the "<provider-info>" element to describe the changes you made to the Look and Feel. Some of the information you can provide includes the title, version, description and author of the new Look and Feel. This information doesn't affect the Administration Console's Look and Feel -- it helps developers keep track of the changes made to the console.
- 18Replace "xray" in the "title," "skin," "skeleton," "definitionLabel" and "markupName" attributes in the "<look-and-feel-content>" element with the name you used to rename the "xray" directory.
- 19Click "Save."
Deploy the New Look and Feel
- 20Export the contents of the root directory containing the edited files as a WAR file. This can be done using Eclipse, ANT and several other platforms.
- 21Copy the WAR file.
- 22Open the root directory of the domain used to access the Administration Console, and then open the "console-ext" directory.
- 23Paste the WAR file in the "console-ext" directory.
- 24Restart the Administration Server.
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