Apr 13, 2012

How to Get Rounded Corners With MooTools


"MooTools" is an application that allows the user to create Web designs. It requires a small plug-in called Goodcorners to create rounded corners. The Goodcorners plug-in provides the user with a unified syntax to create a CSS3 border-radius. Once the plug-in is downloaded, the process to create rounded corners is simple. An automatic border radius of 10 pixels is supplied in the program without any specific clarification with any garbage collector, or gc, class. The syntax is changed using a few simple key strokes.


    • 1
      Locate the appropriate line of coding in the MooTools program just prior to the line that instructs the program to insert the picture. Make sure you have the correct line of coding to the picture that you are wanting to round the corners.
    • 2
      Type the following code in the Mootools prompter to set the default:
      /'for default use'/
      .gc {
      border: 12px solid black;
    • 3
      Type the following code at the Mootools prompter to change the color of the border:
      #gallery image {
      border: 12px solid #001
      The "#001" code refers to the color of the border. Use the appropriate number for the desired color.
    • 4
      Save the completed text input to round the corners with the Mootools program.

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