While the traditional flip chart created on a big piece of paper can be a helpful addition to a presentation, it has its limitations. If you're presenting to a large group or to people in different locations, you could instead create a presentation or flip chart using some of the tools you have on your computer. Broadcast your digital flip chart by sharing it on YouTube, using the platform's video editor to enhance the project. Unfortunately, Windows computers don't allow for the creation of movies from PowerPoint presentations, so you'll need a Mac computer to accomplish this task.
- 1Create a slideshow in PowerPoint for Mac or Apple's Keynote presentation software. Open the program; then for PowerPoint, select the Home button. Then select "Slides" and "Layout." Choose the layout for your first chart item. For Keynote, you'll be prompted to choose your Theme and Layout when you open the program.
- 2Add your text by selecting the Text tool from the Home menu in PowerPoint and the "Text" tool in Keynote. Use the software's "Shapes" tool to create objects, lines or other drawings that you want to include in your flip chart.
- 3Select "File" and then "New Slide" to create another chart item in Keynote. For PowerPoint, select the Home button, and then select "New Slides" from the Slides menu. Repeat this process for as many pages as you want to be included in your flip chart.
- 4Add transitions in between your slides. For PowerPoint, click the Slides tab from the left side of the program pane and then select the thumbnails for each slide. Then choose a transition to add to the slides from the "Transition to This Slide" menu in the Animations section. Then click "Apply to All."
- 5Prepare your presentation for using on YouTube. For PowerPoint, select "File" and then "Make Movie," and then follow the prompts to save the file as a .mov file. For Keynote, select "File" and then "Export." Then follow the prompts to save the file as a QuickTime movie. In both cases, you'll be preparing the video to be uploaded in a format that YouTube recognizes.
- 6Log in to your YouTube account, click "Upload" and select your presentation movie file from the files and folders on your computer. Wait for the video to upload to your channel, which could take several minutes or several hours.
- 7Click your YouTube username from the upper right of the platform. Then select Video Manager. From there, locate the video you just uploaded from the "My Uploaded Videos" section. Click "Edit Video" or select the drop-down arrow to select "Annotations." "Edit Video" allows you to add effects or other transitions to your presentation, while with "Annotations" you can add captions or subtitles to your videos.
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