Apr 17, 2012

How to Make a Pictorial Chart for Toddlers


Toddlers can understand simple pictures on a chart.
How to Make a Pictorial Chart for Toddlers thumbnail
Pictorial charts for toddlers are a wonderful teaching tool for parents and teachers alike. Toddlers are always on the go with very short attention spans. They can understand simple commands but have limited vocabulary to get their thoughts, feelings and ideas across to the caregivers in their lives. Toddlers generally don't want to miss a beat. A pictorial chart will help them stay on task, learn what to expect and what is expected from them, and enable them to point to the things they might need but are unable to say.


    • 1
      Choose the topic of your pictorial chart. Perhaps, it is an area of difficulty such as your morning or bedtime routine. It could also be something simple, such as cleaning up after playing in the playroom.
    • 2
      Gather pictures for your chart. You can cut pictures from a magazine or other source or take pictures of your toddler doing the steps in the chart. For a bedtime pictorial chart, the steps would include a picture of your toddler in the tub or of a bathtub, a picture of a toothbrush or her brushing her teeth, a picture of her favorite book, followed by a picture of her pacifier if she takes one, and last, a picture of her lying down in her crib or bed.
    • 3
      Cut the pictures out and glue them in order to the poster board. Decorate the chart with your toddler's name, favorite colors and theme.
    • 4
      Hang your toddler's pictorial chart at his eye level in the area it is intended to be used. Refer to it step by step as you are going through your routine or ritual until it becomes a part of your child's behavior. Update the chart as your child grows.

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