When you install a program on your computer, you give the program permission to place files on your computer's hard drive. These files are generally required for the program to operate properly. Sometimes, when you uninstall programs from your computer, the program fails to remove all of the associated files. To keep your computer running smoothly, it is important to identify unusual files and determine whether the file is required to operate your computer. A zap file is a data file generally associated with the Zone Alarm PRO Firewall software, which you can open using a program already installed on your computer.
- 1Click the "Start" button and type "Notepad" into the "Search programs and file" bar located on the bottom of the Start menu.
- 2Press the "Enter" button. Notepad opens on your screen.
- 3Click the "File" button on the upper-left corner of the menu bar and click "Open."
- 4Navigate to the folder that contains the zap file.
- 5Click the zap file and click the "Open" button. The zap file opens in Notepad.
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