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Jan 15, 2012
How to Make the Calendar Alert Work on the iPhone
Keeping a to-do calendar on
your iPhone can be handy, as your iPhone is portable and can remind you
of an event anywhere you are. This calendar can also be synced with your
iCal calendar on a Mac computer, Microsoft Outlook account or with a
Gmail or Yahoo calendar. Make your events more noticeable by adding a
calendar alert to an event when you create it. Your iPhone will then
play an alert sound and present you with an event notification ahead of
time to remind you of the event.
Turn on your iPhone by pressing the "On" button on the top of the iPhone or the "Home" button below the screen.
Open the Calendar app by tapping on the icon marked "Calendar" on the iPhone's home screen.
Tap the "+" button at the top right of the screen to add a new event with a calendar alert.
Enter the title of the event and
location by tapping the first field. Optionally, enter the start and
end time and whether the event repeats.
Tap the white tab labeled
"Alert." Tap one of the pre-set time periods to select how far ahead of
time you would like to have an alert for the event sound on your iPhone.
Tap "Done" to save the alert.
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