The filename extension ZL is an Easy CD Creator drag to disk file. Easy CD Creator is a disc authoring application originally published by Sonic Solutions and later marketed by Roxio. Easy CD Creator includes drag to disk capability which allows you to drag and drop files from your hard drive to a writeable CD. The file associated with this capability is UDFRINST.ZL, which can only be opened by running Easy CD Creator. You need to install Easy CD Creator to open UDFRINST.ZL.
- 1Save the UDFRINST.ZL file to an external disc, then remove UDFRINST.ZL from your computer. A previous UDFRINST.ZL file may interfere with the installation of Easy CD Creator.
- 2Install Easy CD Creator on your computer.
- 3Open the program and attempt to drag and drop files from your hard drive to a writeable CD. The operation should be successful, indicating UDFRINST.ZL is open and running.
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