Apr 8, 2012

How to Print Metadata Next to the Photo in Photoshop CS4


Metadata is a set of identification tags that can be associated with just about any type of file, but is commonly associated with media files. It tags information like "artist" and "date" to images, audio and video files. Adobe Photoshop CS4's File Information menu enables you to add or manage metadata tags on images in your Photoshop projects. However, the program features have no direct means of printing out an image's metadata information along with the image itself. Take advantage of Windows' native screen capture support to print your CS4 images and metadata simultaneously.


    • 1
      Launch Photoshop CS4. Select the "Open" option from the program's "File" heading to import the image you wish to work with.
    • 2
      Return to the "File" heading, and then click on the "File Info" option to view your image's metadata. Click on your keyboard's "Print Screen" button. Close the "File Info" window, and then minimize Photoshop.
    • 3
      Click on the "Start" button in your taskbar. Type "Paint" into the Start menu's search box, and then click on the "Paint" icon when it appears in the Start menu.
    • 4
      Click on Paint's "Paste" button to paste your CS4 screenshot into the program. Click on the "Select" button in Paint's toolbar, and then use the selection to select the "File Info" portion of your screenshot.
    • 5
      Click on the "Crop" button in the toolbar to crop your image down to the "File Info" box. Click on the "Save" button at the top of Paint's toolbar to save your metadata image, and then close Paint.
    • 6
      Click on the CS4 heading in your taskbar to restore the program. Select the "Place" option from the "File" heading to import your metadata image into the project that contains the source image.
    • 7
      Drag the metadata image to the right or left side of the source image, and then hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard to place the image.
    • 8
      Select the "Canvas Size" option from the "Image" heading. Double the values in the Canvas Size menu's "Height" and "Width" boxes to expand your canvas so that it includes the metadata image.
    • 9
      Click on the "Crop" tool in CS4's toolbox, and then use the tool to select your source picture and metadata image -- exclude as much blank canvas area as possible. Double-click inside of the selected area to apply your crop.
    • 10
      Select the "Save as" option from the "File" heading to save your project. Return to the "File" heading, and then click on the "Print" button to print out your image and its metadata.

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